It has taken a while but the end of the academic year is almost always a bit hectic and this one followed the rule. Now that you are all on holidays you may not check the blog, but as I know that you were looking forward to seeing the pictures from your BIG day, here they go..... I made a selection, I hope you like them and you can show them to your friends and family who were all really proud of you that day. You looked great, all dressed up enjoying the event that will remain in your memory for years to come.
Well, now it is time to rest and enjoy the summer so I wish you all a.......
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
The students have created a bank of resources about different countries in the world. Some of them are their countries of origin, so they were the best ambassadors to show us in class some curiosities. Here you can see a sample of them.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
See you soon Lissa
This year we have been very lucky to have Lissa with us. She came in the third term but she stayed enough time to be part of the team and she will probably join us next year!! Thanks to her the students got in touch with real English culture and they enjoyed the classes a lot. She is a great artist and she left us proof of that with this fantastic drawing which is now displayed in one of the halls of the school. For this reason and for many more, we want to thank her.
Monday, 18 June 2012
San Antonio's Festival
Every year in the middle of the month of June, Cangas de Onís gets ready for a big festival, San Antonio. Girls and women from Cangas get dressed with beautiful and colourful dresses and fill the street for a day, following the rhythm of the bagpipes and the tambourines. As an spectator, I took some photographs of the girls during the procession and this is the result of the snapshots.
Revision game
The end of the academic year is just around the corner. Students are tired of books, workbooks, worksheets, handouts and they would like to be already on holiday. When we want them to work a little more, the best way is a game, and spinning the wheel is always a good idea, so play here
Monday, 11 June 2012
Conditional sentences
Play this game and learn more about how to form conditional sentences. IF you win, you will get a very nice surprise at the end.... play
Snakes and ladders
Have you ever played this game? It is really great and exciting, you can practise what you have learnt this year. I hope you enjoy it and be careful with the snakes. Play here
Revise vocabulary with the crossword puzzles
Revise vocabulary with the crossword puzzles
Sunday, 10 June 2012
London trip 2012 IES Rey Pelayo
Saturday, 2 June 2012
As I told you in class, here you can find some more exercises if you want to practice for a while. I am sure you will do well in the test, so don't get too nervous and do your best.
Passive voice
Conditional sentences
Mixed tenses
Reported Speech
2nd BACH
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Economic crisis
Money, money, money, where is it? It seems that this crisis will go on forever as nobody is able to find a solution for it. This year PAU exams have the financial crisis as another juicy topic to introduce as an essay for instance. You may be familiar with the vocabulary as you hear it every single day in the news but I think it is interesting if you watch these videos and learn more about it.
2nd BACH
London Olympics 2012
We have just come back from London with a group of 4th ESO students and the city was preparing itself for the Olympics. Plan ahead for the games, that is what they say... so it is quite possible that in this year exams, they introduce a topic about the Olympic Games in London this summer. Here you can check some vocabulary and read about the history of the games. I hope you find it interesting.

Olympic Games 1
Olympic Games 2

Olympic Games 1
Olympic Games 2
2nd BACH
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Create your own city
Today we are going to practise what we have learnt by building up a city. How can this be possible?
If you want to find out, check here.
But first let's do some exercises to revise the vocabulary about the places that we can find in a city, click here
If you want to find out, check here.
But first let's do some exercises to revise the vocabulary about the places that we can find in a city, click here
1st ESO,
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Giving directions
One more Thursday and we are almost at the end of the week. This time my 1st ESO students have a difficult task to do. They have to find out their way to a place in town. Will they be able to do it? If you want to find out how ...... check here
1st ESO,
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
We are almost at the end of the term for the students of 2nd BACH, in two weeks time you will be preparing for the PAU exam and you may find phonetics interesting to revise your English and take a rest from the books.
check here and learn
check here and learn
Breakfast time
We spend three to four times of the day eating, and we always talk about food. It is important that you know how to order food and most important what to order, so learn more about it through these games and activities.
activity 1
activity 2
activity 3
activity 4
activity 1
activity 2
activity 3
activity 4
Discover Ireland
Although this year students from 4th ESO are going on a trip to London and they are preparing an essay about London landmarks, I would like to include here some activities about another english speaking country for you to learn.
check here
check here
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Store Wars
Watch this film about organic food and do the activities.
I hope you have enjoyed it. Now it is time to work for a while.
check here
I hope you have enjoyed it. Now it is time to work for a while.
check here
An Englishman in New York
This song is great to deal with the topic we are working in class at the moment, so I decided to listen to it with you as I promised.
listen here
listen here
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Places in town
It took me some time to get back to you through the blog but here we are. This time I would like you to practise some vocabulary about different places in town.
Check here and learn
Check here and learn
1st ESO
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
In memory of my grandfather
Aunque este blog está dedicado a la enseñanza del Inglés, he decidido incluir estas lineas como homenaje a mi abuelo. Tras su reciente fallecimiento el pasado viernes 30 de marzo, encontré entre sus escritos unos versos dedicados a sus nietas y al arte de la enseñanza. Por ser una de ellas y dedicarme a la docencia en el momento actual quiero compartir este poema con todos vosotros.
En recuerdo de mi abuelo
A mis nietas les dedico
con cariño y con amor,
estos cuartetos rimados
que me los manda el Señor.
Si en esta vida llegáis
a ejercer profesorado,
para mi sería un orgullo
mi mayor sueño dorado.
Yo quisiera haber sido
por lo menos ingeniero,
y gracias a que estudié,
me libré de ser minero.
No es que sea deshonroso
el trabajar en la mina,
pero, es mejor un taller
y aún mejor la oficina.
Trabajé en muchos oficios
y terminé de maestro,
y os digo con orgullo
que he sido muy honesto.
Si vosotras algún día
profesáis la educación,
dar todo cuanto sabéis
que es el bien de la nación.
Si aprobáis a quién no sabe
el daño es imperdonable,
obrar siempre con justicia
que se lo haga su madre.
Procurar por todos medios
ser firmes en las acciones,
y así os respetarán incluso los valentones.
Vestir siempre con mesura
y tener buenos modales,
que así seréis respetadas
incluso por los chavales.
Hablar con toda franqueza
y, no empleéis soniquetes,
que de ahí vienen los motes
que ponen por los retretes.
En todos los cursos hay
el "simpático el gracioso",
procurar con suavidad
decirle que no haga el oso.
Ejercer profesorado
es tarea delicada,
hay que darse a respetar
o nunca se será nada.
Cuando algo sale torcido
hay que echarlo en saco roto,
no hacer como los chavales
que se estrellan con la moto.
Si algún día tenéis coche
no os hartéis de correr,
que no es sólo ir
que también hay que volver.
Con un coche muy bonito
y una buena carrera,
no habría mayor torpeza
que quedar en carretera.
Para mí y para la abuela
sois la estrella más brillante,
por eso estamos aquí
mirando siempre adelante.
Nuestra casa es vuestra casa
todo os lo dejaremos,
y no es porque es así
sino porque os queremos.
Sois el sol que más alumbra
en la hermosa primavera,
os queremos a las dos
ninguna es la primera.
Gracias güelito por todos tus consejos y por enseñarme lo valiosa que es la vida.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Notting Hill Carnival
It is time to talk about some celebrations in Britain. As Carnival has just gone by, maybe you would like to get some ideas for next year's party... I am sure you WILL love this one... Watch this
2nd BACH,
First Speech
For those of you who have recently given a speech in the English class, don't get desperate. You could see that it was not an easy task to do, but it is so even for English speakers. Just check this video.
4th ESO
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Wheel of fortune
This is just an activity for a Friday class in order to enjoy and revise some English. Check it here
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Paddy's Badges
Last week, we had some fun in class creating these nice badges, getting ready for the 17th of March. This is a nice display...
2nd ESO
Dress in GREEN
Were you dressed in GREEN in St.Patrick's Day? If so, have a look here, I hope you like the pictures.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Green is the colour in St. Patrick's Day
Dress in GREEN
Think in GREEN
Paint in GREEN
BE GREEN ..... for one day!!!!
GREEN is the colour....
Do you want to know why??
If you want to learn more about this celebration, do the quiz here.
And if you haven't got enough of GREEN, have some fun, play a game and listen to some Irish music here.
St. Patrick's Day
HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!! Enjoy the day and be good. Don't go around pinching everyone who is not wearing GREEN!!!!
1st ESO,
St. Patrick
The Future
We have already seen two ways of expressing the future: WILL and GOING TO. You can check your knowledge and practise here
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Road signs & modal verbs
"Tell me and I WILL forget; show me and I MAY remember; involve me and I WILL understand"
Chinese Proverb
There is a fun way to learn the road signs and practise the modal verbs at the same time. Enjoy the game. You CAN play here.
2nd BACH,
modal verbs
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
An apple a day ....
..... keeps the doctor away!!!
WE were studying fruit and vegetables and WE decided to have some fun learning about apples, bananas, strawberries, grapefruits, etc.
WE brought some fruit, WE cut it in small pieces, WE prepared the fruit sticks and finally WE ATE them all. This was the best part, wasn't it? Here is the result....
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Looking for a job?
Hello students,
You have learnt how to write a formal letter to apply for a job, haven't you? Well, I have found what it seems a great job, would you like to see it and work there? Just watch the video and think about it... check
Did you like it? Can you answer some questions now?
Where is the job? What are your responsibilities in the job? What is your salary? Would you like to apply for it? Now you have to convince me that you are the best applicant for it... You have one minute.
You have learnt how to write a formal letter to apply for a job, haven't you? Well, I have found what it seems a great job, would you like to see it and work there? Just watch the video and think about it... check
Did you like it? Can you answer some questions now?
Where is the job? What are your responsibilities in the job? What is your salary? Would you like to apply for it? Now you have to convince me that you are the best applicant for it... You have one minute.
Now that you have studied all the different types of houses in the UK, you can learn more with this game. Try to create nice buildings and learn something from constructions in the past. Click here
1st ESO,
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Modal Verbs
It's time to study modal verbs, whether you like it or not. However, modal verbs are not so difficult as they seem. Modals are everywhere, watch this video and you will see what I mean. You have to write the expressions down and you can guess their use: ability, possibility, obligation, offer, suggestion, etc.
Now do some exercises here.
Keep working here.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Monday, 13 February 2012
St. Valentine's Day
14th February is a day in which people send cards and poems to their valentines to show them their love. In Britain people send almost as many cards as in Christmas time. You can celebrate it or not, that is up to you. The thing is, this is part of the British culture and I just want to wish you all a Happy St. Valentine's Day. I hope you enjoy this song for a while, maybe you will sing it one day to your valentine.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Monday, 6 February 2012
Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
7th of February 2012, we will be celebrating the bicentenary of Charles Dickens' birth. One of the greatest English writers of the Victorian era. Some of his writings are Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Great Expectations, The Old Curiosity Shop, A Christmas Carol and A Tale of Two Cities among others.
I hope you enjoy it.
I hope you enjoy it.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Interview to Novak Djokovic
Listen to Djokovic after winning the final match in the Australian Open in Melbourne last Sunday 29th of January...
watch and listen here
watch and listen here
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Monday, 9 January 2012
Christmas food
We are all back to school after the Christmas break. Some of us have been eating too much but it is difficult to resist with things like these. Here I show you a traditional Spanish cake (Roscón de Reyes) eaten in the morning of 6th January. Can you guess some of the ingredients...?
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Human Rights
The 10th of December 1848 was signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Here I include some pictures and some of the articles from the Declaration.
Article 26. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the
elementary stages. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups.
Article 23. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment and to favourable conditions of work.
Article 25. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in event of unemployment, sickness, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood circumstances beyond his control.
Human Rights
Christmas crackers
This is the nice work you have done for Christmas!!!!
1st ESO,
Monday, 2 January 2012
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